Artwork Title Applicant Name Age Group Artwork Type Description Artwork Code Action
Brigette Ruizi Liew Group C: Primary school – P4 to P6 Hand Drawing / Painting 24-WS-Singapore-T1-H-C-0000225 Detail
Zoe Jing Wen Tan Group C: Primary school – P4 to P6 Detail
Zong Teng Yeow Group A: Kindergarten Hand Drawing / Painting 24-WS-Singapore-T1-H-A-0000227 Detail
Josh Tan Group A: Kindergarten Hand Drawing / Painting 24-WS-Singapore-T1-H-A-0000228 Detail
Jude Tan Group A: Kindergarten Hand Drawing / Painting 24-WS-Singapore-T1-H-A-0000229 Detail
Brigette Ruizi Liew Group C: Primary school – P4 to P6 Hand Drawing / Painting 24-WS-Singapore-T1-H-C-0000231 Detail
Zoe Jing Wen Tan Group C: Primary school – P4 to P6 Detail
Zong Teng Yeow Group A: Kindergarten Hand Drawing / Painting 24-WS-Singapore-T1-H-A-0000233 Detail
Josh Tan Group A: Kindergarten Hand Drawing / Painting 24-WS-Singapore-T1-H-A-0000234 Detail
Jude Tan Group A: Kindergarten Hand Drawing / Painting 24-WS-Singapore-T1-H-A-0000235 Detail

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