About "Jeune Pinceau"

The "Jeune Pinceau" competition is sponsored by the Sino-French Academy of Arts and Culture (AFCAC) and the China Western Culture and Art Association (CWCAA), and is co-organized by the Muse Foundation of Nanjing University and the China-France Advanced Friendship Association. De France, Esä - Higher School of Art | Dunkerque-Tourcoing, EAC-Paris - Higher School of Art Specializing in the Art Market and Cultural Mediation, Online and mobile applications for learning Chinese Ninchanese (ninchanese.com), Animyou, Traveling Muzeum, Platform Art Education Group, Vis Education, Adam Arts Creation, ICYA, Mass+Ige and Reqo Studio, with support from the Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau and the Alliance Française in Hong Kong.

About "JPA"

Founded and hosted by the Académie Franco-Chinoise d’Art et de Culture, organized in conjunction with the Chinese-Western Culture and Art Development Association (CWCAA), and supported by the French Ministry of Education, the Paris City Center Government and the French Consulate General in Hong Kong and Macao participation and strong support. The event aims to promote co-creation and exchanges (education, culture, exploration and technological journeys, etc.) internationally, especially between Chinese and French teenagers and children, to discover future artistic talents, and at the same time to create artistic integration and leapfrog due to the encounter of different cultures.

Our Purpose

Focusing on China and France, promote exchanges (education, culture, exploration, science and technology, etc.) between young people and children from all over the world and discover a new generation of talents;

Provide a platform for different cultures and civilizations to learn from and inspire each other, and present and compare the younger generation’s understanding and examination of another culture;

Building bridges of friendly relations for the new generation in today’s international environment.


Creation is an essential element for expression, self-confidence, and self-transcendence. This allows young people to discover their talents and express themselves in unique ways. I was impressed by the dedication and creativity of the young participants and I would like to congratulate them for their participation. I encourage them to continue creating, exploring and sharing their ideas with others, across the boundaries of different artistic disciplines. It’s the most beautiful way to build bridges between people and change the world.

Romuald Guiboux, member of the competition jury 2022

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