Artwork Title Applicant Name Age Group Artwork Type Description Artwork Code Action
Home Grown Strawberry Farm

Jacob Ng

Group B: Primary school – P1 to P3

Hand Drawing / Painting

I love anything about strawberry like strawberry juice , strawberry fruit , so i draw the Farm full with strawberry , i will go to the real farm someday with my family . I am sure gonna be happy day in the farm

24-JPA-Singapore-T1-H-B-0000141 Detail

Abell Young Johakartono

Group F: Tertiary students


Lisa Liu

Group A: Kindergarten

Hand Drawing / Painting 24-JPA-Hong Kong-T1-H-A-0000175 Detail

Clarice Teo

Group F: Tertiary students


Shane Chua

Group C: Primary school – P4 to P6


jaden anders

Group D: Secondary school – S1 to S3


Amelia Ri-en Maniam

Group C: Primary school – P4 to P6


Miles Joshua Lin

Group A: Kindergarten

Eco-Friendly Paws

Chloe Zhi Qing Lim

Group B: Primary school – P1 to P3

Hand Drawing / Painting

In this joyful painting, a sunny farm is filled with happy dogs running and playing freely all day long. The dogs chase each other through the grassy hills, their tails wagging with excitement. A cheerful farmer cares for the dogs wholeheartedly, providing them with food grown on the farm and ensuring they have plenty of fresh water from the well, a sustainable source. The farmer employs eco-friendly practices, like composting and planting trees, creating a safe and healthy environment for the dogs to thrive. It’s a magical place where the dogs can be their silly, playful selves, and they all feel loved and cared for while living in harmony with nature!

24-JPA-Singapore-T1-H-B-0000209 Detail
Tomato Paradise

Emma Bay

Group B: Primary school – P1 to P3

Hand Drawing / Painting

In my dream farm, nature and fun come together! I imagined a magical place where tomatoes play and laugh, splashing around in a ketchup waterfall, their favourite treat. This farm employs sustainable farming methods, like composting and crop rotation, maximizing produce while reducing waste.

Every part of the tomatoes is utilised, ensuring nothing goes to waste. This vision highlights a vibrant ecosystem where we can joyfully coexist with nature, creating a world where fun and sustainability thrive together.

24-JPA-Singapore-T1-H-B-0000210 Detail

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