Artwork Title Applicant Name Age Group Artwork Type Description Artwork Code Action

Jacob Ng

Group B: Primary school – P1 to P3

My Version Of Monalisa

Abell Young Johakartono

Group F: Tertiary students

Hand Drawing / Painting

I depict the Mona Lisa painting in my version, each painting has its own version of depicting the painting. It depends on how we look at a painting and put into the painting what we want.

24-JPA-Indonesia-T3-H-F-0000162 Detail

Lisa Liu

Group A: Kindergarten

Tomorrow’s Uncertainty

Clarice Teo

Group F: Tertiary students

Hand Drawing / Painting

“Tomorrow’s Uncertainty” was inspired by the subject matter of Van Gogh’s The Potato Eaters and the color schemes of Starry Night. By using the color scheme of Starry Night to paint most of the figures with unusual human skin tones, I wanted to portray the evolving world of AI, which are programmed to act and sound like humans. Meanwhile, the only figure with normal skin tones are depicted with seemingly vanishing brushstrokes, representing the concern: “Are AI ever going to replace humans in the world?” This is a question that nobody has the answer to, and humans have always feared. Are we going to live in the AI’s world in the future instead of them living in ours? Will humans eventually vanish with AI’s existence?
Through this piece, I aim to explore the fragile boundary between creator and creation, and to ponder the uncertainties and impacts of evolving technology around us, in hopes of finding an answer.

24-JPA-Singapore-T3-H-F-0000185 Detail
Thoughts in my mind

Shane Chua

Group C: Primary school – P4 to P6

Hand Drawing / Painting

This drawing chronicles my thoughts as young as 2 years old till now. I am 10 years old boy who tends to be emotional thus this explains my drew face is a mixture of happiness and sadness.
My life is always evolving with swimming trainings and competitions since I was 3 years old. To be a competitive swimmer, is definitely a very tough and stressful journey, yet there are also moments of glory standing on podium organized by the club. I am inspired by Micheal Phelps, and hope to be like him one day by being one of the fastest swimmers.
Besides my hectic schedule, my way of releasing stress is drawing or creating comic stories when I have free time, which turns out my drawing talent was discovered. I love to draw my favorite characters like Pokemon, Sonic and Mario as it had been accompanying me when I feel stress, happy or sad.
Lastly, my parents and i do have expectations on my academic. The sheets of paper represent results with different grades achieved. I hope I can aim ‘A’s in all my subjects.
The art medium that I had used over here are markers, color pencils and pen.

24-JPA-Singapore-T3-H-C-0000191 Detail
What Does The Rabbit Sees in The Museum?

jaden anders

Group D: Secondary school – S1 to S3

Hand Drawing / Painting

What Does The Rabbit Sees In The Museum?

This artwork is inspired by Eugen Gorean. I made this artwork with the original characters from his painting, with a fox holding one of his artworks: Busy Day at St. Peter Port. This Artwork is about a Rabbit, named Jaden, and what he sees in the Louvre Museum in Paris, France. He sees different kinds of wild animals and varieties of paintings. Upon seeing the inside of the museum, He sees a fox holding a painting and grows curious. However, many peacocks are also looking at the painting covering it up. The rabbit, Jaden, was interested in the painting but then, he got distracted by another rabbit wearing a Red Royal dress who was showing all the paintings on the wall, roof, and also the sleeping fox in the middle of the room. It’s amazing, but Jaden The Rabbit still wanted to see the painting held by the fox. Finally, he got to see it. Jaden The Rabbit was mesmerized by the beauty of the painting. Then, he made one painting called “What Does The Rabbit See in the Museum?”

Written by Jaden anders

24-JPA-Indonesia-T3-H-D-0000205 Detail

Amelia Ri-en Maniam

Group C: Primary school – P4 to P6

My Fears

Miles Joshua Lin

Group A: Kindergarten

Hand Drawing / Painting

I was inspired by Yayoi Kusama’s fear of dots, she is my favourite artist. I love expressing myself abstractly and I wish to be the King of Dots! I used small and big dots to make my artwork with things I fear, like the lava overflowing into the circus, or giant elevator paddings and floods.

24-JPA-Singapore-T3-H-A-0000208 Detail

Chloe Zhi Qing Lim

Group B: Primary school – P1 to P3


Emma Bay

Group B: Primary school – P1 to P3


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