Artwork Title Applicant Name Age Group Artwork Type Description Artwork Code Action

Jacob Ng

Group B: Primary school – P1 to P3


Abell Young Johakartono

Group F: Tertiary students


Lisa Liu

Group A: Kindergarten


Clarice Teo

Group F: Tertiary students


Shane Chua

Group C: Primary school – P4 to P6


jaden anders

Group D: Secondary school – S1 to S3

Cosmic Couture

Amelia Ri-en Maniam

Group C: Primary school – P4 to P6

Hand Drawing / Painting

Cosmic Couture is a futuristic fashion piece that shows how technology can be incorporated into fashion to help protect the wearer from the increasingly harsh climate. The top has solar panels on it which I believe will be crucial in the future as global warming worsens. Powered by solar panels, the silver details on the outfit are data transmitters that help to regulate the wearer’s body temperature and stabilize their heart rate. The usage of watercolours and pastels are used in contrast with the cool tones to represent the softness of human nature prevailing against the cold sleekness of a technologically advanced future.

24-JPA-Singapore-T2-H-C-0000207 Detail

Miles Joshua Lin

Group A: Kindergarten


Chloe Zhi Qing Lim

Group B: Primary school – P1 to P3


Emma Bay

Group B: Primary school – P1 to P3


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